1. Our beautiful little girl
Life becomes extraordinary when you have children. You come to know moments when your heart will burst with pride while feeling the deepest grief...all at the same time. My husband asked me once, long before Sophia was born, 'why do you want children?' I said immortality but now that we have our little concentrated treasure....I know that the real answer is: REAL LIFE.

2. My beautiful man
We've been through some tough times, he and I - come face to face with our humanity more than once. We've seen and done some fantastic things, known moments quite simple but precious nonetheless. And together we've created the most amazing little piece of living art I've ever seen. He says his armour is tarnished and full of dents these days but it still shines for me.

3. Little girls rainbow cupcakes
I get such a kick out of baking with her. She and I have been baking together since she was two. The rainbow cupcakes were her idea and we make them often. Lately she's started naming them like paintings. The green one at the bottom for example is....'Jungle'.

4. Our Patchwork Cottage
You wouldn't believe what we had to go through to get this house but we soldiered on and in the end - we won. It's a funny little beach bach that was built in 1915. Its windows are wonky and the ceilings slope in funny places. Nothing matches and it has the oddest additions here and there....there's a reason why we call it The Patchwork cottage and we LOVE it. It's homely and cosy and its OURS.

5. Spontaneous Discoveries
Mucking around in town on a Sunday afternoon and Ed wanted to stop at the bank. He comes back in a hurry....get out of the car....there's a band practice up on the forecourt! It's a strange thing these days but there's still something magical about a marching band!  

6. Spontaneous Seeding!!
Why, you ask, would a patch of dirt with some straggly plants make me happy? These are no ordinary straggly plants hehehe....these are our self-seeded heritage organic lettuces coming up in the middle of Winter!! LOL
7. Cute Curtains!
Saw some in a magazine and thought, 'that's a neat idea and they would suit my wonky little kitchen' so I made my own patchwork curtains and they look so cute! It's my second go at patchwork and all and all I'm pretty pleased with myself even when I look close. Ha ha. And...there's a warm fuzzy in it too. I had some old vintage tablecloths that came from various different women in the family which I have loved to pieces....unfortunately almost literally. It's been a sweet way to keep them going!

8. Vintage China
An arty friend of mine has the most extraordinary house. I remember the first time I went to Isbel's house. It was like walking into wonderland. Her house was a reflection of her arty self and it was beautiful! Color, fabric, light and creativity everywhere! We all sat down for afternoon tea and our cups were all vintage china - no two sets alike and it was magical. As adults we get so pedantic about matching things and getting things perfect that when we come across someone who enjoys things for no other reason that it is beautiful, we are reminded what we are missing by being so 'grownup'. From that moment on, I have had a love affair with vintage china, amongst other things. Thankyou Isbel!


  1. What wonderful things that make you happy! I especially love the curtains you made. I have attempted sewing (went out and bought a new machine) but I can't get past threading the darn thing :)

  2. Sorry Rianne...I haven't been on for ages!!!! Nawti me....I need my happy blog too - its been a bit tough over the last few months! I have a sweing machine but I'm too lazy to get it out and set it up LOL so I did the curtains by hand! Beleive it or not, it was remarkably quick!
